Parents of sick 1-year-old defend sailing trip after Navy rescue

An interesting article I have read from the LA times is Parents of sick 1-year-old defend sailing trip after Navy rescue. It is about a family that is rescued hundreds of miles off Mexico’s coast when the family is with a sick 1-year-old baby and a disabled sailboat.The family had sent a message to a via satellite phone for help from the coast guard. The family had been rescued safely and the child had given medical attention but the family has received criticism from many that them sailing a worldwide trip with a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old was bad decision. The family has defended themselves saying that this is how our family has lived for seven years and when they started this journey it was more then a year ago and had prepared as well as any sailing crew. This family has a love for the sea and states that “The ocean is one of the greatest forces of nature and it always has the potential to overcome those who live on or near it.”


Kaufman familyRebel Heart sailboat

Seattle news helicopter crashes in ball of fire; 12 dead, 1 critical

Komo- Tv confirmed that its helicopter had crashed early Tuesday morning on takeoff, destroying three vehicles that burned outside its station.”But some say that the helicopter crash could of been worse if it was in a area more trafficked because it was the early morning when people are just coming into work . The man who was injured was the age of 38 and suffered 50% burns of his body. The 2 that were dead were the ones on board the helicopter. To read more click here
